The Best Commercial Cleaning Services in 2024 – What You Need!

The best fit commercial cleaning service for you is out there, but where do you start? What essentials will guarantee a successful partnership that leads to high quality services that impress customers and keep your staff happy? This checklist includes everything you need to guarantee you receive the best commercial cleaning services in 2024.
1. Seamless Communication
When additional services are required or an issue needs to be resolved, you need quick and easy access to support. The best cleaning providers will have protocols for contacting them. This may include a phone number or email that is monitored throughout the day. At OctoClean, we take it a step further by providing a custom email address to every facility we service. When an email is sent to the address, all necessary parties are notified to ensure your primary contacts are informed of the reported issue and our cleaning staff can act quickly to make sure services are on track. An emergency line is an absolute must for after hour emergencies that can’t wait until the morning.
2. Cleaning Services Tailored to You
No two businesses are the same. Recognizing this, your cleaning provider should tailor their services to meet the unique needs of your facility. Services should be performed at times that are convenient to you. They should also be performed by a team that is trained in the nuances of your industry. This is especially true when it comes to medical cleaning. In the previous section, we discussed communication. Well, there are additional ways to tailor communication to your facility. If you work in the medical industry, door seal stickers that indicate when a room has been terminally cleaned can help your team to easily identify clean exam rooms. If you are a large class A office space, QR plaques in break rooms could help your staff to effectively communicate with cleaning support. These are just a couple ways OctoClean offers the best commercial cleaning services possible by customizing our services.
3. Get More than Commercial Cleaning
Regular cleaning makes a huge impact to the overall look and feel of your facility, but don’t overlook specialized services. We’re talking about exterior window cleaning, pressure washing, parking lot sweeping, floor care, and carpet cleaning. Ideally, your commercial cleaning provider will also offer these services because there is nothing better than receiving all of your maintenance services from one place. However; it is important that they have a trained division that is different from your daily cleaning crew. For example, our specialty services team Stōkt performs all specialized cleaning. The company is under the same ownership as OctoClean, but a different focus of training is completed by each team member in comparison to commercial cleaning staff.
4. Quality Assurance
Progress should always be measured. If your cleaning provider cares about consistency and quality, they will have a quality assurance system in place. This may include regular surveys and satisfaction calls. A more advanced version of quality assurance would include a system that records all notifications, complaints, and site visits. With this data, your service provider can create customized reports that you can review together. They may even have a quality assurance team that visits facilities regularly for inspections and additional training. We do.
5. Laser Focused Cleaning Training
The problem with our industry is that everyone thinks they know how to clean, and many go into commercial cleaning because they believe it is low hanging fruit. This is far from the truth. When it comes to cleaning a business, systems are everything. Having a process is the only way to ensure tasks are not missed and methods are compliant with industry standards. You should know whether each member of your cleaning staff has completed initial training. Additional training should be ongoing to ensure methods are being updated and reviewed. While we have comprehensive internal training that also includes hands-on and on-site training, you can view some of our video training on OctoClean’s YouTube Channel.
Let’s Summarize – How to Get the Best Commercial Cleaning Services in 2024
This could be your best year yet managing your facilities cleaning services! It all rides on how proactive you are about:
- Setting communication protocols and following those to uphold seamless communication.
- Ensuring your cleaning provider is tailoring services to your needs.
- Partnering with a provider that offers more than just standard cleaning services.
- Confirming a quality assurance program is in place and understanding what that looks like.
- Reviewing what training is being provided to your cleaning staff.
If you are currently looking for a cleaning provider in the Phoenix Metro Area, you can learn more about our services and request a walkthrough and quote here.
If you are currently looking for a provider in Southern California, please reach out here.