All California employers are required to have a site-specific COVID-19 prevention program that includes safety measures designed to mitigate the chance of exposure.
Cleaning and disinfecting protocols are key elements to every COVID-19 prevention program. An effective program will not only determine what services will be performed, but by who. Are you confident in your program and the partners you’ve enlisted to help you create a safe and healthy work environment for your employees?
OctoClean has 30+ years in infection prevention and can help you develop a cleaning program that is effective against COVID-19. We are working with all types of businesses to help them create comprehensive cleaning and disinfection protocols that make sense for them.
Our cleaning and disinfection protocols include:
- Touchpoint disinfection of commonly shared areas within the workplace
- Electrostatic disinfection, which provides 360 degree disinfectant coverage
- How-to disinfection videos specific to your workplace
- Personal workplace disinfection checklists
- Access to needed supplies
Creating a written program will not only create a safe workplace, but will prevent you from receiving large fines. It was reported that in mid November, coronavirus violation fines issued by OSHA totaled to $3,301,932 from 244 establishments. Don’t let this happen to you.
We’re here to help you create safe work environments and COVID-19 prevention programs that keep you and your staff healthy. We’re also here to assist in the event that there are confirmed positive cases in your building. Please contact us if you need assistance.
CAL OSHA has created a written COVID-19 Prevention Program that can be downloaded and edited to meet your facilities needs. Click here to access the download.
Tags: COVID-19, disinfection, electrostatic disinfection, Infection Prevention